Main window

This query-only main window enables you to view background information about institutions.

The Background Information section (untitled) displays specific types of sources and background institutions when called by another page. Because this page is a query-only page, you cannot update the database from this page. Values on this page come from the Source/Background Institution Code Validation (STVSBGI) page.

Field Description
Type (untitled) Radio group that displays the type of institution this record contains. Values are:
  • HS = Saved to the database as H (High School)
  • College = Saved to the database as C
  • Source = Saved to the database as S
  • None = Saved to the database as Null
Code Type of student transcript provided at admission.
City City in which the institution is located.
State or Province State or province in which the institution is located.
Admission Request Code Information often required at admission (for example, GRE scores, a high school transcript, or an application fee).