Curriculum Event Status Rules (SORCSTS) page

This page is used to record the translation of curriculum status codes during curriculum events. A common example is for a non-destructive update. The curriculum status of CHANGED is added to the field of study with the INACTIVE curriculum activity.

Records that are designated as system required cannot be deleted. You can change the curriculum status code for the translation.

Fields Descriptions
Curriculum Status Curriculum status code and description.

List Curriculum Status (STVCSTS)

Translation Translated curriculum status code and description.

List Curriculum Status (STVCSTS)

System Required Indicator Check box used to specify whether this value is required by the system. If this check box is selected, the validation table record cannot be deleted. After this check box is selected, it cannot be cleared.
User ID ID of the user who last updated the record. Display only.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.