Tape File Delimiter Type Rules (SORDLIM) page

Use this page to assign a delimiter or marker to a specific tape code. The delimiter or marker should match those contained in the delimited input file to be used with this tape code.

Fields Descriptions
Tape Code Enter the data file/tape code for the rule.

List Electronic Datafile and Tape Validation (STVTAPE)

Description This is the description of the tape code. It defaults in from the tape code selected from the Lookup button.
Delimiter Enter the delimiter which indicates a new field on the file, such as a comma.
Marker Enter the marker used in addition to the delimiter to enclose the field data, such as an apostrophe.
System Required Check this box if the rule is system required.
User ID This is the ID of the user who created or updated the rule.
Activity Date This is the date the rule was created or updated.