Person Comment (SPACMNT) page

You use the Person Comment Form to enter comment information on the person. You may enter short comments or long narrative comments.

The following fields are used on this page.

Fields Descriptions
Comment Type The Comment Type field is used to add a comment type such as General Comment or Phone Call. Valid values come from the Comment Type Code Validation (STVCMTT) page.
Originator The Originator field is used to show the office the comment was added by, for example, the Admissions Office or the Bursar’s Office. Valid values come from the Originator Code Validation (STVORIG) page.
Contact The Contact field is used to associate a contact type with the comment. It will trigger the Create Materials package to run when the contact is added and saved. Materials will be created if they are appropriate for the contact code entered. Valid values come from the Contact Type Code Validation (STVCTYP) page. If an appointment is entered that has a contact code, the contact code will not be updatable.
Contact Date The Contact Date field displays the date the contact code was added to the comment record. If this date is populated using the Appointments button, it is the same as the appointment date.
From Time The From Time field indicates the start of the appointment set up on SOAAPPT. This information is populated when the user associates an appointment on SOAAPPT with the comment.
To Time The To Time field indicates the end of the appointment set up on SOAAPPT. This information is populated when the user associates an appointment on SOAAPPT with the comment.
Confidentiality The Confidentiality check box is used to indicate that the comment should be considered confidential.
Add Date The Add Date field displays the original date when the comment was created. This date does not change.
Activity Date The Activity Date field displays the date of the last update to the information. This date corresponds to the date when the record was last updated by a user.
Last Updated By The Last Updated By field displays the Oracle user ID of the last person to update the Comment section.
Comments The Comments field has autowrap capability and is used for entering short comment text. If you select the Comments edit button, the Editor window appears. From here you can insert and update short comments in addition to search and replace on the text within the comment.
Narrative Comments The Narrative Comments field allows you to enter up to 32,760 characters per long comment. The comment text autowraps within its window. If you select the Narrative Comments edit button, the Editor window appears. From here you can insert and update comments in addition to search and replace on the text within the comment.

The Appointments Maintenance button displays a window of all appointments (set up on SOAAPPT) for the ID in the key block. You can select one of the appointments, and its contact code, appointment date (the same as the contact date), and time will populate the appropriate fields allowing comments to be associated with a specific appointment.