Address Information window

Use this window to enter address and delivery information for the person.

Addresses are displayed in the following order: all active or current addresses in type order, followed by all inactive addresses ordered by type, from date, to date, and status.

When a valid ZIP or postal code is selected from the ZIP/Postal Code Validation (GTVZIPC) page and entered in the ZIP or Postal Code field, the combination of city, state/ province, and nation information which exists in GTVZIPC will default into the appropriate fields. The related information does not default in when the ZIP or postal code is entered manually.

Telephone numbers can also be maintained on this window. When you enter a telephone number, it automatically becomes the primary telephone number for the selected address type and sequence number. You can designate as many telephone numbers as active as you want, but if you make an address inactive by checking the Inactivate check box, then the telephone number for that address will also be designated as inactive. If you want to keep the telephone number active, do one of the following:
  • In the Telephone window, clear the Inactivate check box for the telephone number.
  • In the Address window, choose To and From Dates to specify the active dates for the address, instead of checking the Inactivate check box for the address.
  • In the Telephone window, do not associate an address type with the telephone number. If an address type is already specified, then delete it.
Note: For telephone numbers entered on the Address window of Banner Self-Service, the address type and sequence number specified in the window are always automatically associated with the telephone number in Banner.