Tape File Test Score Controls (SRATPTS) page

Use this page to map the test code which contains the date taken to all the other test codes for which that date taken applies.

For example, the date taken for one set of SAT I scores is contained in only one place, even though that date applies to both the SAT Verbal and Math scores.

Fields Descriptions
Test Code Enter the test code to which a date origin will be assigned.

List Test Code Validation (STVTESC)

Description This is the description of the test code. It defaults in from the tape code selected from the Lookup button.
Test Code Date Origin Enter the test code date origin for the test code.

List Test Code Validation (STVTESC)

System Required Check this box if the rule is system required.
User ID This is the ID of the user who created or updated the rule.
Activity Date This is the date the rule was created or updated.