Block Schedules

Use this section of the page to enter or display block schedule information, which will be used during registration. Use the Block Schedules section to access this section of the page.

The special approval override will be established here if a special approval code has been assigned to the section. Low hours for variable credit sections and the default grading mode for sections with multiple grading modes will be assigned to this CRN for the block schedule code. If overrides are desired for the entire block schedule code, the data must be altered on the Block Schedule Control (SSABLCK) page. If overrides are desired for an individual student, these defaults must be changed on the Student Course Registration (SFAREGS) page. Sections may be added to or deleted from blocks at any time. If the section is deleted, all block relationships to that section will also be deleted.

Fields Descriptions
Block Code and description of the block schedule for the section.
Special Approval Check box used to indicate that special approval exists for overrides. Display only.