Section Test Score and Prerequisite Restriction

Use this section of the page to enter or display course test scores and prerequisite restrictions for prerequisite requirements. Use the Section Test Score and Prerequisite Restrictions section to access this section of the page.

If prerequisite requirements are more complicated than can be defined using this area, CAPP areas can be used to define the more complicated requirements. For example, if a requirement is to take three out of four specified courses, that requirement could not be defined using test score and prerequisite restrictions, but could be defined using a CAPP area. Both test score and prerequisite restrictions and CAPP area restrictions can be defined for the same time period, but only one set of restrictions will be effective, based on the value of the Prerequisite Check Method option group in the Section Information section of the page.

Test score and prerequisite restrictions can be edited using an SQL Editor that parses the entered data in the same format used to apply the restrictions within the registration process. This allows you to know immediately if the syntax of the statement you created will be executable and so prevents possible prerequisite execution errors. Use the View Statement button to enter and validate the SQL statement.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
And | Or (Connector) Option group that shows the relationship between multiple test score and prerequisite records. Multiple conditions can be specified using the And | Or connector value. It is not necessary to establish an And | Or connector when defining prerequisites with stacked parentheses (that is, parentheses on a line without test score or prerequisite information). Values are:

And - saved to the database as A

Or - saved to the database as O

‘(‘ Left parenthesis. Beginning of a set of test score and prerequisite conditions that are to be contained within parentheses. Parentheses can be stacked, but all open sets of parenthesis must be closed when creating test score and prerequisite restrictions.

Example of stacked parentheses:

((MATH 100 AND S01 400) OR (MATH 300)) AND STAT 200

Test Code Code for the test that is a prerequisite requirement for the course.
Score Minimum test score the student must receive for the test type entered in the Test Code field to satisfy the restriction for the course.
Subject Subject of the prerequisite course.
Course Number Course number of the prerequisite course.

A list of valid courses is available, but you can enter any value, whether it represents a valid course or not. This allows you to define prerequisite restrictions for a course without having to define the prerequisite course first.

Level Required level of the prerequisite course.

This field is used with the Grade field to determine if the student has achieved the required minimum grade to satisfy the prerequisite.

Grade Minimum grade required for the prerequisite course.

This field is used with the Level field to determine if the student has achieved the minimum grade required to satisfy the prerequisite. While a minimum grade is not required to define a prerequisite restriction, if not entered, a course that has been failed or withdrawn from will satisfy the prerequisite restriction.

Concurrency Pulldown list used to specify that the prerequisite requirement may be fulfilled if the prerequisite course exists, but has not yet been graded (in either academic history or registration), for the same registration term (but not future terms).

If concurrency is allowed and a student is enrolled in the prerequisite course during the same term, restriction checking will ignore level and grade if they have been specified. However, if the course is taken in the same term and has already been graded, minimum grade checking will be performed.

Values are None, Yes, No.

‘)’ Right parenthesis. End of a set of test score and prerequisite conditions that are to be contained within parentheses. Parentheses can be stacked, but all open sets of parenthesis must be closed when creating test score and prerequisite restrictions.

Example of stacked parentheses:

((MATH 100 AND S01 400) OR (MATH 300)) AND STAT 200

View Statement Button used to open a window where the user can enter and validate the SQL statement.