Direct Entry of Rules

If changes are permitted to the defaulted information or no rules have been established on SOAORUL, edit checks are performed in this section of the page.

Fields Descriptions
Status Code Registration status code, from the Section Registration Status Codes section of the page, to which the refunding rules will be applied. Display only.
Percent Complete Value used to determine the appropriate refund percentage.

When applied to an individual registration, the student's elapsed time from the start date of the registration will be calculated and compared to this value. Enter a value between -100 and 100.

For example, your institutional policy states that the learner is entitled to an 80% tuition refund if the course is dropped between 0 and 10% complete (exclusive). 10 would be entered in this field, and 80 would be entered in the Tuition Refund field. When the fee assessment process is triggered, if the student had completed less than 10% of the duration of the course, this rule would be invoked.

This allows non-term-based courses to have registration start dates that span a date range, and it provides for flexible course durations.

You can enter a value in this field only if the Duration Complete field is blank. Either the Duration Complete or Percent Complete field should be used to define the allowable interval for refund processing.

Duration Complete Value used to calculate the number of duration units expired because the start date of the registration.

Where the Percent Complete field determines the elapsed time between the learner’s start date and withdrawal date based on the overall registration time frame, the Duration Complete field assesses the number of duration units that have expired after the start date.

Enter a value between the negative number of duration units defined for the section and the number of duration units defined for the section.

For example, your institutional policy states that the learner is entitled to an 80% tuition refund if the course is dropped (duration complete) between 0 and 1 week complete (exclusive). 1 would be entered in this field, and 80 would be entered in the Tuition Refund field. When the fee assessment process is triggered, if the student had completed less than 1 week of the duration of the course, this rule would be invoked.

You can enter a value in this field only if the Percent Complete field is blank. Either Duration Complete or Percent Complete should be used to define the allowable interval for refund processing.

Duration Number of duration units established for this section on the Schedule (SSASECT) page. Display only.
Tuition Refund Percentage of the original charge to be refunded to a student when the associated registration status code is applied to the student's registration record.

The percentage entered in this field will be multiplied by the total tuition (detail codes assigned a category of TUI on the Detail Code Control (TSADETC) page) assessed for the individual section to arrive at the monetary amount to be refunded to the student.

Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the calculation of the tuition refund.

Fee Refund Percentage of the assessed fees to be refunded to a student when the associated registration status code is applied to the student's registration record.

The percentage entered in this field will be multiplied by the total fees (detail codes assigned a category of FEE on TSADETC) assessed for the individual section to arrive at the monetary amount to be refunded to the student.

Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the calculation of the fee refund.

Extension Refund Percentage of the extension fees to be refunded to a student when the associated registration status code is applied to the student's registration record.

Percentage entered in this field will be multiplied by the total tuition (detail codes assigned a category of TUI on TSADETC) assessed for the individual section to arrive at the monetary amount to be refunded to the student.

Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the calculation of the extension fee refund.

Override Check box used to indicate whether the defaulted rule information contained in the section of the page may be overridden.