Scheduler Work (SSASCHW) page

Use the Scheduler Work (SSASCHW) page to view the data from Banner® before being submitted to Schedule 25, and preview the results of Schedule25 before its integration into Banner.

Note: Preference records are not viewable.

The page is entered in Query mode, and all fields are can be queried.

Before the integration of the Schedule25 output into Banner, you can manipulate the data as follows.

However, on the initial extraction of this data, it is strongly recommended that any changes be made in Banner and the extract process re-run, as this information is contained in a temporary work table and can be purged at the successful completion of the class scheduling process using the Schedule Work Table Purge Process (SSRSCPR).

Some classes in the initial extract may already have a building and room attached to the record. This indicates that the scheduling status code assigned to that class is one that denotes it as pre-assigned or manually assigned. This information is critical to ensure that Schedule25 does not double-book classes in the same classrooms.

When viewing data processed by the scheduler, the scheduling status code will change a code of NSM to 5SM and NXM to 5XM if the class was successfully assigned.

You may notice class records with an unusual or not valid subject code. These records represent the dummy records created during the extract process to signal to the scheduler that a room in unavailable for scheduling for a particular period of time. These records will not be returned to Banner.

Fields Descriptions
Update Indicator for whether assignments have been scheduled and Banner has been updated. This field is most meaningful when displaying the results of the Schedule25 process.Values are:

Y Classroom assignments have been scheduled, but Banner has not been updated. (This value is derived from the sortdp.dat file.)

N Classroom assignments cannot be scheduled. (This value is derived from the notposs.dat file.)

L Classroom assignments have not been scheduled. (This value is derived from the losers.dat file.)

U Banner has been updated with this information. (This value represents Y records modified in the SSRSCMT process.)

null Schedule 25 processing has not been performed yet.

Term Code of the term.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Subject Code of the subject.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Subject Code Validation (STVSUBJ) list.

List Subject Code Validation (STVSUBJ)

Course Number Number associated with the course.
CRN CRN of the section.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Schedule Section Query (SSASECQ) page.

List Schedule Section Query (SSASECQ) page

Start Date Date on which the section begins.

Double-click in the field or select the Calendar button for this field to display a calendar that can be used to select the date.

Start Time Time at which the section begins, in 24-hour format.
End Date Date on which the section ends.

Double-click in the field or select the Calendar button for this field to display a calendar that can be used to select the date.

End Time Time at which the section ends, in 24-hour format.
Campus Code of the campus associated with the section.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Campus Validation (STVCAMP) list.

List Campus Validation (STVCAMP)

Building Code of the building associated with the section.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Building Query (SLAQBRY) page.

List Building Query (SLAQBRY) page

Room Code of the building associated with the section.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Room Query (SLQROOM) page.

List Room Query (SLQROOM) page

Status Code of the status associated with the section.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Scheduler Status Code Validation (GTVSCHS) list.

List Scheduler Status Code Validation (GTVSCHS)

Monday Check box used to indicate that class is held on Monday.

In a query, multiple days can be specified.

Tuesday Check box used to indicate that class is held on Tuesday.

In a query, multiple days can be specified.

Wednesday Check box used to indicate that class is held on Wednesday.

In a query, multiple days can be specified.

Thursday Check box used to indicate that class is held on Thursday.

In a query, multiple days can be specified.

Friday Check box used to indicate that class is held on Friday.

In a query, multiple days can be specified.

Saturday Check box used to indicate that class is held on Saturday.

In a query, multiple days can be specified.

Sunday Check box used to indicate that class is held on Sunday.

In a query, multiple days can be specified.