Query Results

Use this section of the page to review the data for the sections returned for the criteria in the Advanced Filter section. The number of records found is displayed. You can sort on the fields in this section.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
Filter Again Button used to return to the Advanced Filter section to perform another filter.
The following fields are in the Section Detail Information.
Term Code of the term for the section.
CRN CRN associated with the section.
Subject Subject associated with the section.
Course Number Course number associated with the section.
Sequence Section sequence number.
Course/Section Title Complete or partial course/section title (using wildcards) associated with the section.

This field is populated with the section title assigned to the sections in SSBSECT or if Null, with the course title in SCBCRSE when the filter results are displayed.

Campus Code of the campus associated with the section.
Schedule Type Code of the schedule type associated with the section.
Instructional Method Code of the instructional method (from GTVINSM) associated with an open learning section.

This field is populated with the instructional method assigned to open learning sections in SSBSECT when the filter results are displayed.

Status Code of the section status associated with the section.
The following fields are in the Credit Hours information.
Low Minimum number of credits for which the course can be offered.
Options Relationship between low and high credit hours.
  • None = No existing credit hours
  • Or = Existing credit hours for two specific offerings
  • To = Existing credit hours within a range
High Maximum number of credits for which the course can be offered.
The following fields are in the Schedule Type information.
Part of Term Code for the part of term associated with the section.
Duration Number of duration units associated with the section.

This field is populated with the number of duration units assigned to open learning sections in SSBSECT when the filter results are displayed.

Units Code for the duration unit (from GTVDUNT) associated with the section.

This field is populated with the duration units assigned to open learning sections in SSBSECT when the filter results are displayed.

Registration From First date that registration will be available for open learning sections.

If you enter a date and term in the filter, only open learning courses for the referenced term will be displayed. Do not use a part of term for the filter.

This field is populated with the registration from date assigned to open learning sections in SSBSECT when filter results are displayed.

Registration To Last date that registration will be available for open learning sections.

If both registration from and to dates are entered in the filter, the page will display sections where the from and to dates match the registration dates in SSBSECT.

If you enter a date and term in the filter, only open learning courses for the referenced term will be displayed. Do not use a part of term for the data filter.

This field is populated with the registration to date assigned to open learning sections in SSBSECT when filter results are displayed.

The following fields are in the Enrollment information.
Maximum Maximum enrollment for the section.
Actual Actual enrollment for the section.
Remaining Number of available seats for the section.
The following fields are in the Waitlist information.
WL Maximum Maximum waitlist for the section.
WL Actual Actual waitlist for the section.
WL Remaining Number of available waitlisted seats for the section.
The following fields are in the Miscellaneous information.
Reserved Seats Check box used to indicate whether seats have been reserved for a section.
Long Section Title Check box used to indicate whether sections have long section titles defined in the syllabus.

This field is populated with a check mark for all sections with long section titles defined in the SSBSYLN table when the filter results are displayed.

Comments Check box used to indicate whether section comments have been entered on SSATEXT.

This field is populated with a check mark for all sections with comments defined in the SSRTEXT table when the filter results are displayed.

Syllabus Check box used whether syllabus information exists for the section.

The sections that have been assigned learning objectives, required materials, or technical requirements will be displayed.

This field is populated with a check mark for all sections with values defined in the either the SSBSYLO, SSBSYRM, or SSBSYTR tables when the filter results are displayed.

Cross List Identifier for the crosslist group associated with the section.
Link User-defined code to identify the link associated with the section.
Block Check box used to indicate whether a section has been assigned to a block schedule.
The following buttons are at the bottom of the page.
Cancel Button used to cancel the filter.
Select Button used to return a selected record to the calling page.