Enrollment Details

Use this section of the page to review the displayed registration information for the section specified in the key block. Use the Section Enrollment Information section and then the Enrollment Details section to access this section of the page.

For an open learning section, the Census One Freeze Date and Census Two Freeze Date fields are populated with the census dates from SOAORUL, as opposed to the census date fields associated with the part of term record in SOATERM.

Note: The system tests for reserved seating each time the Enrollment Details section of the page is entered. You can only delete reserved seating when no enrollment exists for the reserved seating. When enrollment exists that meets the reserved seating requirement, you will not be allowed to delete reserved seating.
Fields Descriptions
These fields are in the Enrollment Details information.
Maximum Maximum enrollment for the section.

This field is used in Location Management when a user is attempting to assign classrooms large enough to satisfy the section enrollment. When the Capacity option group is set to Fatal or Warning on the Term Control (SOATERM) page, the system issues warning a when enrollment exceeds this number.

Waitlist Maximum Maximum number of students allowed to be waitlisted for the section.
Projected Anticipated enrollment in the section.

This field is informational only, and it controls no system processing.

Actual Actual enrollment for the section. Display only.
Waitlist Actual Actual number of students waitlisted for the section. Display only.
Prior Number of students enrolled in the section in the previous term. Display only.
Remaining Remaining number of seats available for the section. Display only.
Waitlist Remaining Remaining number of waitlist seats available for the section. Display only.
Reserved Check box used to indicate that reserved seats exist for the section.
This field is in the Credit Hour Total information.
Generated Credit Hours Total credit hours of enrolled students. Display only.
These fields are in the Census Dates information.
Census One Enrollment Count Census one enrollment count. Display only.
Census One Freeze Date Date on which to freeze the enrollment count for use in census one statistical reporting.

The value in this field is used to capture the enrollment data for the designated date.

Census Two Enrollment Count Census two enrollment count. Display only.
Census Two Freeze Date Date on which to freeze the enrollment count for use in census two statistical reporting.

The value in this field is used to capture the enrollment data for the designated date.