Room Attribute Preferences

Use this section of the page to define room attributes (such as blackboard, projector, overhead) that are required to facilitate the needs of the instructor.

Attributes are for the section specified in the key block and the record selected in the Meeting Times section of the page. Use the Section Preferences section to access this section of the page.

If the room attribute preference code in the section is blank, the Catalog preferences are displayed. If the Catalog preferences are blank, the preferences defined for the subject are displayed. You can change any defaults.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code and description of the building/attribute used for the meeting entry.
Preference Number Preference number for the room attribute. Enter a value from 0 - 99. Multiple records can be entered for the same preference number.

A message is displayed when the value is not 01, 02, 03, or 04, as those values are used with auto scheduling. A preference number of 01 is considered highest priority by the scheduling software.