Setting the Prerequisite Check Method option group

When selecting the setting of the Prerequisite Check Method option group, be aware of the following scenarios.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
These fields are in the Section Type information.
Course Reference Number CRN from the key block. Display only.
Section Type Option group used to indicate whether the section is used for traditional registration or open learning registration. Valid values are Traditional Term Section and Open Learning Section.

Additional fields specific to open learning are displayed in the Section Dates information in this section of the page when the option group is set to Open Learning Section.

These fields are in the Section Detail information.
Subject Code and description of the subject associated with the section.
Course Number Number of the course.
Title Short title of the course, up to 30 characters.

When valid values have been entered in the Section and Course Number fields, the system automatically displays the course title defined on the Basic Course Information (SCACRSE) page. If you want to change the title for this section only, you can do so.

Section Section number associated with the subject/course combination.

A section number can be used only one time to identify a subject/course number combination in a term, with the exception of 0 (zero). 0 can be shared by multiple sections.

Cross List Code and description of the cross list identifier used for cross listed courses.
Campus Code and description of the campus associated with the section.
Status Code and description of the status for the section.

The Allow Registration check box on the Section Status Code Validation (STVSSTS) page controls whether the status entered will prevent or allow registration for this section.

Schedule Type Code and description of the instructional type for the section.

Data elements on this page are used in Faculty Load processing.

Instructional Method Code and description of the instructional method for the section from GTVINSM. This field is required for open learning sections.
There are two ways to attach an instructional method to a section:
  • Attach the instructional method directly to the section in SSASECT. Enter a code or select one from list of valid values for an open learning section.
  • Use defaulted information from the catalog record (SCRSCHD). An instructional method may or may not have been assigned to the course.

You cannot change the value in this field after registration records have been processed for this section.

This field will be unpopulated if the section has been defined with part of term information.

Integration Partner Code and description of the integration partner. Use this field to designate that the section can be used for integration with a third party partner system, such as WebCT. Integration codes are defined and maintained on the Integration Partner Rules (GORINTG) page and are used in extract processing and event processing. If a section is flagged for integration, checking will occur to see if the section will be extracted.

You can add, update, or delete a valid integration partner system code that has been defined on GORINTG, as required by business practices. Changes to this code will produce an LDISECTION event.

This code is associated with the user integration code. Only course sections that contain a valid partner system code will be communicated to an LMS partner system. All course sections will be communicated to the portal as required.

Grade Mode Code for the grading mode for the section.

Grades can be set up on the Grade Code Maintenance (SHAGRDE) page.

Session Code for the session in which the section is scheduled, such as evening, weekend, and so on.
Special Approval Code for the type of special approval a student must have to register, if applicable.

The Approval option group in the Section Options on SOATERM controls how this is checked at registration.

Attendance Method Code for the attendance accounting method for the section.

For open learning sections, the independent study attendance method can be used.

Weekly Contact Hours Weekly contact hours for the section. Number of hours the section meets per week.
Daily Contact Hours Daily contact hours for the section. Number of hours the section meets per day.
Link Identifier User-defined code which links two sections that must be taken concurrently.

You must enter the same code in this field for all sections that are linked. You must also enter the same code in the Section Links field on the Schedule Detail (SSADETL) page for each of the sections.

This action links sections together, so that an error message is displayed during registration if a student tries to register for only one of the linked sections.

Registration link errors must be defined for the term by SOATERM for the system to generate error messages for linked courses at registration.

CEU Indicator Check box used to indicate that the section is a continuing education section. Display only.
Print Check box used to indicate whether the class is to be printed on the Class Schedule Report (SSRSECT).
Voice Response and Self-Service Available Check box used to indicate whether the section should be available on Voice Response and in the Banner Self-Service applications.

Registration processing uses this check box.

  • When selected, the section is available for registration and add/drop purposes in Voice Response and Banner Self-Service.
  • When cleared, the section is not available for registration or add/drop purposes in Voice Response and Banner Self-Service.

This check box is interpreted as follows in Banner Self-Service.

When using the Look-Up Classes to Add Web page:
  • When selected, the section will be displayed if selected by search criteria.
  • When cleared, the section will not be displayed if selected by search criteria.
When using the Add/Drop Classes Web page:
  • If the student has not registered for the section and enters the CRN using the worksheet, the error Section not available for web add/drop will be displayed. An audit trail of the registration attempt will also be written.
  • If the student is already registered for a section whose Voice Response and Self-Service Available check box is cleared, the error Section not available for web add/drop will be displayed, and the drop will not be processed. However, an audit trail record will be written. If the student attempts to make changes on the Change Class Options page, the same error will be displayed.

The CRNDIRECT internal code on the Crosswalk Validation (GTVSDAX) page allows you to specify whether a class that is not available for Voice Response or Banner Self-Service can be registered for or updated on the Add or Drop Classes or Change Class Options pages in Banner Self-Service if the CRN is known.

Gradable Check box used to indicate whether the section is gradable.

If you have multiple sections that are graded as a single section (for example, a lab and lecture combination), only one of the sections should be defined as gradable and the other section(s) should be defined as not gradable, and the credit hours/billing hours must be changed to 0 (zero). This also involves defining the course as a variable credit course in the Basic Course Information (SCACRSE) page.

Tuition and Fee Waiver Check box used to indicate whether the section has the option of being offered for a tuition or fee waiver as defined in the Registration Fee Assessment Rules (SFARGFE) page.
  • When selected, all rules on SFARGFE that are overrideable will be ignored during registration fee assessment.
  • When cleared, all rules on SFARGFE will be applied.

This check box does not update or affect existing sections or registration records. When a record is initially created on SSASECT and the indicator is cleared, the value is set to Null. If the indicator is then selected, the value is set to Y. If the selected indicator is subsequently cleared, the value is set to N.

Long Title Check box used to indicate whether a long title exists as part of the section syllabus information on the Section Syllabus (SSASYLB) page. Display only.
Comments Check box used to indicate whether section comments exist in the SSRTEXT table for the section. Display only.
Syllabus Check box used to indicate whether learning objectives, required materials, or technical requirements have been defined on SSASYLB. Display only.
Prerequisite Check Method Option group used to select the registration prerequisite checking method for the course for the effective term. Values are Basic or None (use existing prerequisites), CAPP (use CAPP area prerequisites), and DegreeWorks (use DegreeWorks prerequisites). The default value is Basic or None. Values saved to the database are B, C, or D.

When DegreeWorks is installed, the CAPP option is not available. When CAPP prerequisite checking is in use, the DegreeWorks option is not available.

For more information on using CAPP area prerequisites, refer to the Banner Student CAPP Handbook. For more information on using DegreeWorks prerequisites, refer to the “Registration” chapter of the Banner Student User Guide.

These fields are displayed in the Section Dates information for traditional sections.
Part of Term Code and description of the part of term in which the section is offered.

The value entered here must be valid as defined for the term on SOATERM. The default is 1.

For non-open learning sections, this field is used to designate the length of the term for which the section is to be offered.

If meeting times already exist, you cannot change the value in this field unless you first delete the meeting information, then change this field, and finally re-enter the meeting information. This allows you to change the part of term without changing the days on which the course is scheduled and avoids possibly creating inaccurate room assignments.

Part of Term Start Date (untitled) Start date for the part of term that is used when students register for the section.

This defaults from the Start Date field in the Base Part of Term section of SOATERM, based on term in the key block and the value in the Part of Term field.

Part of Term End Date (untitled) End date for the part of term that is used when students register for the section.

This defaults from the End Date field in the Base Part of Term section of SOATERM, based on term in the key block and the value in the Part of Term field.

Part of Term Weeks (untitled) Number of weeks in the term.

This defaults from the Number of Weeks field in the Base Part of Term section of SOATERM, based on term in the key block and the value in the Part of Term field.

These fields are displayed in the Section Dates information for open learning sections.
Duration Amount of time (number of units) a student is given to complete the course.

This value is used to calculate the student’s expected completion date in addition to extension and refund processing.

This value defaults from the SCBCRSE table for new sections when it has been established for the course. If no duration information has been defined at the course level, the duration unit specified as the default on GTVDUNT is used to populate the field, but you can change it.

You cannot change the value in this field after registration records have been processed for the section.

This field will be unpopulated if the section has been defined with part of term information.

This field is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.

Duration Unit Unit of duration, such as week, month and so on, from GTVDUNT.

This value defaults from the SCBCRSE table for new sections when it has been established for the course. If no duration information has been defined at the course level, the duration unit marked at the default on GTVDUNT is used to populate the field. You can override this value.

You will not be permitted to change this value after registration records have been processed for the section.

This field will be unpopulated if the section has been defined with part of term information.

This field is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.

Registration Dates From First date that registration is open to the learner for this section for an open learning course.

This date comes from Registration Date Defaults data of the applicable rule on the Open Learning Section Default Rules (SOAORUL) page.

If the Override (Indicator) is cleared for the corresponding rule on SOAORUL, you cannot navigate to the Registration Dates fields. This functionality imitates that associated with the part of term dates in conjunction with the Section Override (Indicator) on the part of term record in SOATERM.

If no rules or no applicable rules exist on SOAORUL for the course or section characteristics, you will not be permitted to create the section record.

This date cannot be changed after registration records have been processed for the section.

This field is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.

Registration Dates To Last date that registration is open to the learner for this section for an open learning course.

This date comes from Registration Date Defaults data of the applicable rule on SOAORUL.

If the Override (Indicator) is cleared for the corresponding rule on SOAORUL, you cannot navigate to the Registration Dates fields. This functionality imitates that associated with the part of term dates in conjunction with the Section Override (Indicator) on the part of term record in SOATERM.

If no rules or no applicable rules exist on SOAORUL for the course or section characteristics, you will not be permitted to create the section record.

This date cannot be changed after registration records have been processed for the section.

This field is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.

Learner Start Dates First First date that the learner can elect to start an open learning course.

This allows students to pre-register for a course while restricting the dates when the student can actually start the course. You should only use this date if part of term information has not been set up.

This date defaults in from the Registration Dates From field, but you can change it. It must be equal to or greater than the registration from date. You cannot change this date after registration records have been processed for this section.

This field is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.

Learner Start Dates Last Last date that the learner can elect to start an open learning course. You should only use this date if part of term information has not been set up.

This date defaults in from the Registration Dates To field, but you can change it. You cannot change this date after registration records have been processed for this section.

This field is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.

Maximum Extensions Maximum number of extensions permitted for this open learning section for a learner who is actively registered. Enter a value from 0 to 999. When a new section is created, this field will be populated with 0 (zero).

The value in this field cannot be changed after registration records have been processed for the section.

This field is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.

OLR Rules Button used to access the Schedule Processing Rules (SSARULE) page and view section level registration code, refunding, and extension rule information.

This button is displayed when the Section Type option group is set to Open Learning Section.