Electronic Document Status Code Validation (STVDSTS) page

Use the Electronic Document Status Code Validation (STVDSTS) page to define codes and descriptions that represent the typical actions and procedural steps which may apply to processing any transcript at your institution.

For example, an undergraduate transcript for a potential transfer student may need to be reviewed by the Admissions Office, the Student Records Office, the Financial Aid Office, and possibly the college or department that the transfer student is applying to. Some transcripts may need to be reviewed by specific departments or individuals.

You should define a code for each procedural step or action in transcript processing that may occur at your institution. Some of the processing codes will be assigned automatically to each transcript received, and others will be added directly by users as appropriate online. It is likely that a transcript will have many status codes assigned to it, indicating several tasks that need to be completed as part of the total process of the review of that transcript. Some processing codes must have indicators set in a specific way to allow the transcript to be uploaded into transfer articulation and to be eligible for removal from visual display from the Online Transcripts Activity List (SHAEDIS) page. Recommendations for establishing these transcript status codes and explanations of how priority code and the transfer articulation and archive indicators function are detailed as follows.

You must designate a priority for each code on STVDSTS. Priorities range from 1 to 99. The lower the value of the number, the higher the priority of the code. For example, a code with a priority of 5 is higher than a code with a priority of 20. More than one code may have the same priority. When a new EDI transcript is uploaded into Banner® Student (displayed on SHAEDIS), the upload process (SHREDIP) will automatically assign the status codes defined in STVDSTS with the highest priority. It is recommended that the highest priority status code be given to the task of performing an ID verification/matching process against the person associated with the transcript because this step must be performed for all transcripts received.

If you want to have additional procedural step(s) automatically assigned to all uploaded transcripts, assign the same priority to those status codes as has been assigned to the ID verification/matching status code. It is also recommended that the priority codes be assigned to indicate the relative importance of some tasks as compared to others. This, however, does not mean that a task (status code) with a priority of 20 must be completed before a task (status code) with a priority of 30. The only other functional consequence of the use of priorities is in controlling the sort order of the display of records on SHAEDIS. On SHAEDIS, the display will be sorted by priority of the pending status codes, and where many transcripts have the same pending status code, the display will be sorted alphabetically by the students' last names.

For example, a status code of VERF (Verify ID) has a priority of 1, and a status code of ADMR (Admissions Review) has a priority of 10. A status code of ARTC (Ready for Transfer Articulation) has a priority code of 80, and a status code of ARCH (Archive EDI Transcript Data) has a priority code of 99. A student’s transcript might currently have all of these pending status codes assigned to it. The first row displayed in SHAEDIS (in order from the top to the bottom of the block of records displayed) for the student is the row with a status code of VERF, because it has the highest priority code. After the status code of VERF has been completed, that record will no longer be displayed on SHAEDIS, and the row with a status code of ADMR will be the first row displayed, because it has the highest priority of the remaining status codes.

To be able to upload a transcript to transfer articulation, you must define one status code that has the TA (Transfer Articulation Flag) field set to Y and assign the status code to the transcript. Without one code with this flag, the Transfer Articulation (SHATAEQ) page will not recognize that an EDI transcript exists for upload.

After a transcript has been uploaded to transfer articulation, the status code that has the TA (Transfer Articulation Flag) field set to Y will be updated from P(ending) to C(omplete) on SHAEDIS. In addition, the final step in the transfer articulation will be to add the status code that has the ARC (Archive Status Flag) field set to Y to that transcript. This archive status code will be inserted with a P(ending) action. When you update the archive status code to C(omplete), the transcript will be excluded from display on SHAEDIS, even if other status codes exist with a P(ending) action.

STVDSTS can be used with XML transcript processing. The user-defined extension indicators can be set by document status code for college, student, academic record, or course. Test scores and immunization data can also be included by document status code.

Note: Only the shell of the UDE functionality is delivered. You must create custom code at your institution to import data using user-defined extensions.
Fields Descriptions
Status Code Code of the electronic document status. After an electronic document status code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. After this code has been used in any other record, the electronic document status code record cannot be deleted.

This code reflects a step or status for the processing of a transcript at the institution, such as ADMR might be for Admissions Office Review. Multiple codes can be assigned to a transcript to indicate processing steps that are still incomplete.

Description Description of the electronic document status.
Priority Value of the priority assigned to this electronic document status. 1 = High, 99 = Low. This is the priority assigned to the status by SHREDIP when the transcript is uploaded for ID verification/matching.
Transfer Articulation Indicator Indicator for whether an electronic transcript with this electronic document status code should be included when transcripts are uploaded to transfer articulation.
Archive Status Indicator Indicator for whether a transcript with this electronic document status code should be archived, not purged.
Tests Check box used to indicate if the electronic document status code should process test score data for XML transcripts.
Immunization Check box used to indicate if the electronic document status code should process immunization data for XML transcripts.

When a status code is entered on SHAEDIS that has the Immunization indicator set to Y on STVDSTS and the Pending or Complete Indicator on SHAEDIS set to P, when the record is saved, the system will attempt to import all the immunization data that is present on the XML transcript.

User Defined Extensions: Main Check box used to indicate if the electronic document status code should process XML transcript user-defined extensions on the college transcript.
User Defined Extensions: Student Check box used to indicate if the electronic document status code should process XML transcript user-defined extensions on the student element.
User Defined Extensions: Academic Record Check box used to indicate if the electronic document status code should process XML transcript user-defined extensions on the academic record element.
User Defined Extensions: Course Check box used to indicate if the electronic document status code should process XML transcript user-defined extensions on the course element.