Enrollment Status Code Validation (STVESTS) page

Use the Enrollment Status Code Validation (STVESTS) page to create, update, insert, and delete enrollment status codes, such as Administratively Withdrawn, Eligible to Register, Pre-Registered, and so on. Several other forms use this page to validate enrollment status codes. You can create or update these codes only from this page.

When enrollment status codes, registration status codes, and rules for enrollment and registration status processing are correctly established, assigning an enrollment status code which “affects” courses will cause the same action to be applied to appropriate course registration records for the term. To have enrollment status changes affect courses, the following conditions must be true:
  1. An enrollment status is defined, and the Affect Course check box is selected.
  2. A course registration status is defined (on STVRSTS) using the same code as the enrollment status code which will affect courses. The Allowed to Enter check box for the registration status code must be cleared.
  3. The enrollment status code is authorized for use within a term (SFAESTS).
  4. The registration status code is authorized for use within a term and part-of-term (SFARSTS).
  5. All registration statuses which represent active registration records must have the Affected by Student Status check box selected on SFARSTS. (For example, if a student has already dropped a class and later withdraws from the term, only active registration records should be changed to a status of “withdrawn from term”. The class already dropped should not have its registration status changed.
  6. When the enrollment status is changed (on SFAREGS) to one which affects courses, the registration status of all active registration records will be set to the same value as the enrollment status.

Please see the “Required System Values for Validation Forms” section in the “Validation Forms” chapter of the Banner Student User Guide for a list of required system values for this validation page.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the enrollment status. After an enrollment status code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. After this code has been used in any other record, the enrollment status code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of the enrollment status.
Withdrawal Code Code of the withdrawal status associated with this enrollment status, if any.

Select the Search button for this field to access the Withdrawal Status (STVWDRL) list.

List Withdrawal Status (STVWDRL)

Withdrawal Indicator Check box used to indicate whether this enrollment status code is a withdrawal code. If this check box is selected, records with this enrollment status code can be selected by the batch Withdrawn Student Report (SFRWDRL).

When this field is selected (set to Y), registration fee assessment processing checks SFAESTS for the associated code to see if any enrollment status refund rules are in effect for the date entered in the key block of SFAREGS.

Third Party Withdrawal Indicator Check box used to report a student as withdrawn by the Clearinghouse Extract Report (SFRNSLC) and the NSLDS SSCR Process (SFRSSCR).
Affect Course Check box used to indicate whether this enrollment status code will affect the course status unless otherwise prevented.
Prevent Registration Check box used to indicate whether this enrollment status code will prevent the student from registering for the same term only or allow registration activity for the term.
Affect Headcount Check box used to indicate whether this enrollment status code affects the headcount as calculated on the Unduplicated Headcount Report (SFRHCNT).
System Required Check box used to specify whether this value is required by the system. If this check box is selected, the validation table record cannot be deleted. After this check box is selected, it cannot be cleared.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.