Ethnic Code Validation (STVETHN) page

Use the Ethnic Code Validation (STVETHN) page to create, update, insert, and delete ethnic codes, such as Caucasian, Chinese, Cuban, and so on. This page is used by other forms to validate ethnic codes. You can create or update ethnic codes only from this page.

This page allows you to identify individuals at a low level ethnic value, i.e., breakdowns of ethnicity. Examples of this would be Apache, Blackfoot, and Sioux. The codes associated with these values are then cross-referenced into the Banner Human Resources and Banner Student Systems against the Ethnic Code Rules (PTRETHN) page and Race Rules (GORRACE) page respectively, for proper federal ethnic values.Therefore, each of the codes mentioned above would cross-reference to a code that indicates “Native American”.

With this methodology, it is then permissible to use low level university-specific descriptions on STVETHN, while maintaining the proper federal values on the Ethnic Code Rules (PTRETHN) page and the Race Rules (GORRACE) page.

Warning! Addition, deletions, and revisions to codes on the Ethnic Code Rule (PTRETHN) page in the Banner® Human Resources System appear on STVETHN.

Multiple race codes may be reported for an individual, and collected/reported information can be separated by race and ethnicity. Therefore, you can also use this page to establish crosswalk values so when an ethnicity code is entered, the ethnicity and race fields will be populated in the Banner Human Resources personal information forms, if the ethnicity and race codes do not already exist.

Race information can be collected for the following set of codes:
  • White
  • Black or African American
  • Asian
  • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Other
Ethnicity information can be collected for the following set of codes:
  • Hispanic
  • Non-Hispanic
  • Non-Resident Alien

Seed data for these values is delivered, along with scripts to convert existing data to the Institution Race Code and New Ethnicity fields. Two Banner General forms, the Race Validation (GTVRACE) page and the Race Rule (GORRACE) page are used to create and maintain race code information in addition to sub-groups of race categories. The codes on STVETHN are used in the conversion of the old ethnicity to the new ethnicity for the prospect and application loads.

Note: All Banner systems use this page. You should coordinate with other Banner systems at your institution about what codes to use on this page.
Fields Descriptions
Ethnic Code Code of the ethnicity. After an ethnic code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. After this code has been used in any other record, the ethnic code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of the ethnicity.
IPEDS Code IPEDS ethnic code associated with this ethnic code, if applicable.

Select the Search button for this field to access the IPEDS Ethnic Validation (STVETCT) list.

List IPEDS Ethnic Validation (STVETCT)

EDI Equivalent Used to assign the EDI SPEEDE/ExPRESS ethnic code values to an institution's ethnic codes. When an institutional code is not equated with an EDI code, this field should be blank. The EDI equivalent value is used in the transmission of transcript information electronically by EDI. These values are defined in the third party EDI SPEEDE/ExPRESS Implementation Guide under data element #1109.
LMS Equivalent LMS Equivalent Class Code. Used to display the IA-PLUS Loan Management System (LMS) ethnicity code values that are equivalent to the Banner ethnic codes. These codes are not validated. The translation to these LMS codes occurs during the LMS transaction feed interface from Banner Financial Aid. For more information, please refer to the Banner Financial Aid User Guide or the IA-PLUS Loan Management System User Manual.
Institution Race Code Regulatory race code associated with this ethnic code as defined by the institution. This field determines the race to be used for the crosswalk functionality and creates a crosswalk for values, so the old ethnicity values can be mapped to the new ethnicity and race values.

If an ethnicity mapping code has been entered, this field is required, otherwise it can be null.

Select the Search button for this field to access the Race Rules (GORRACE) list.

List Race Rules (GORRACE)

New Ethnicity Ethnicity as defined by the US government for this ethnic code, used for the crosswalk functionality.

If a race code has been entered, this field is required; otherwise, it can be null.

Values are:
  • None (default)
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Hispanic or Latino
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.