Fee Type Validation (STVFTYP) page

Use the Fee Type Validation (STVFTYP) page to maintain fee types used in section level fee assessment calculations.

Four system-required fee types are used with this page: FLAT (Flat Fee), BILL (Per Bill Hour Fee), CRED (Per Credit Hour Fee), and DURN (Per Duration Unit). If additional fee types are required and added to this validation table, modifications will be required in the fee assessment logic to incorporate the required processing.

These fee types are used by the Course Detail Information (SCADETL) page, the Section Detail Information (SSADETL) page, the Section Fee Assessment Control (SSADFEE) page, the Default Extension Processing Rules section of the Open Learning Section Default Rules (SOAORUL) page, and the Section Extension Processing Rules section of the Schedule Processing Rules (SSARULE) page.

A conversion script is used to convert the existing fee types defined in SCADETL and SSADETL (F - Flat or C - Per Credit) to the enhanced fee type structure.

Please see the “Required System Values for Validation Forms” section in the “Validation Forms” chapter of the Banner Student User Guide for a list of required system values for this validation page.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the fee type. After a fee type code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. After this code has been used in any other record, the fee type code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of the fee type.
System Required Check box used to specify whether this value is required by the system. If this check box is selected, the validation table record cannot be deleted. After this check box is selected, it cannot be cleared.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.
User ID ID of the user who last updated the record. Display only.