Graduation Status Validation (STVGRST) page

Use the Graduation Status Validation (STVGRST) page to create, update, insert, and delete graduation statuses.

The graduation processing in the Academic History module uses these statuses to update the student's degree record with any impediments to graduation, such as needed approval or monies owed. You can create or update these codes only from this page.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the graduation status. When a graduation status code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the graduation status code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of the graduation status.
Update Next Degree Status Check box used to specify whether the student's degree status is to be automatically updated when the graduation status is entered or modified. This field works in conjunction with the Next Degree Status field, which is maintained on the Degree Status Code Validation (STVDEGS) page.

If the Update Next Degree Status check box is checked for the graduation status entered, then the current Degree Status Code on the Degrees and Other Formal Awards (SHADEGR) page will be updated with the next degree status maintained on STVDEGS.

For example, if the student's current degree status is Undergraduate Pending Award (UP), and the graduation status is being updated to Finalized, and the Finalized graduation status code has the Update Next Degree Status check box checked, then the degree status will automatically be set to Undergraduate Awarded (UA).

Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.