Required Value for CAPP Processing

The value AUTO, for Generated Automatically, is a required value on this page when CAPP processing is in use.

To reduce the number of parameters required for batch compliance, some of the values used to create compliance requests are hard-coded and do not allow user options. For the most part, the hard-coded values are the same as the values that default when a new compliance request record is created using SMARQCM.

One value that does not default on SMARQCM is hard-coded in batch compliance. That value is the originator code, and AUTO is the hard-coded value. Therefore, the value AUTO (with any description you desire) must exist in STVORIG. (The value AUTO is also used in a number of other Banner processes to indicate that a record was created and updated automatically by a batch process.)

Warning! If the value AUTO does not exist on STVORIG, batch compliance will terminate unsuccessfully with the error: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SATURN.FK1_SMRRQCM_INV_STVORIG_CODE) violated - parent key not found. If this error occurs, add AUTO to STVORIG to continue processing.
Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the originator. When an originator code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the originator code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of the originator.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.