Building/Room Attribute Code Validation (STVRDEF) page

Use the Building/Room Attribute Code Validation (STVRDEF) page to create, update, insert, and delete building/room attribute codes, such as Auditorium, Music Room, Chemistry Lab, and so on.

Several forms in the Location Management and Housing module use this page to validate the building/room attribute codes. You can create and update these codes only from this page.

Note: All Banner® systems share this validation page. You should coordinate with other Banner system users at your institution when deciding what codes are used on this page.
Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the building/room attribute. When a building/room attribute code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the building/room attribute code record cannot be deleted.

Although this field is primarily for use with classroom requirements, it is also used to populate the Schedule25 files.

Description Description of the building/room attribute.
Auto Schedule Check box used to specify whether this building/room attribute is to be extracted for input into the Schedule25 process when the schedule type is assigned to a CRN. This check box also controls the operation of the Scheduler Number field.
Scheduler Number If the Auto Schedule check box is checked, this field will be automatically populated with a unique one-up number, if the Schedule25 Code is null when the attribute record is saved. Of, if desired, you can enter a unique one-up number. If the Auto Schedule check box is unchecked, this field will be blank.

Use the Resequence option on the Option Menu to resequence the value in the Scheduler Number field. This process will overwrite the existing code and replace it in sequence starting with a value of 01.

Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.