Residence Code Validation (STVRESD) page

Use the Residence Code Validation (STVRESD) page to maintain codes for residency, such as Foreign, Out of State Resident, In State Resident, and so on. Other forms use this page to validate the residency codes. You can create or update these codes only from this page.

Please see the “Required System Values for Validation Forms” section in the “Validation Forms” chapter of the Banner Student User Guide for a list of required system values for this validation page.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the residency type. When a residency code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the residency code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of the residency type.
In State/Prov Check box used to specify whether a person with this residency code is a resident of the state or province.
EDI Equiv (Equivalent) EDI Equivalent. Used to assign the EDI SPEEDE/ExPRESS residency code values to an institution's residency codes. When an institutional code is not equated with an EDI code, this field should be blank. The EDI equivalent value is used in the transmission of transcript information electronically through EDI. These values are defined in the third party EDI SPEEDE/ExPRESS Implementation Guide under data element #1073.
VR Msg Voice Response Message Number. Number assigned to the Voice Response message assigned to this residency code.
Sys Req System Required. Check box used to specify whether this value is required by the system. If this check box is checked, the validation table record cannot be deleted. When this check box is checked, it cannot be unchecked.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.