Test Score Percentile Type Validation (STVTSPT) page

Use the Test Score Percentile Type Validation (STVTSPT) page to create and maintain percentile type codes for use on SOATEST.

Currently, SAT and GRE files that are loaded through SRTLOAD/baseline data load processing use delivered, system-required values on STVTSPT for percentile types. It is suggested when manual SAT or GRE percentiles are inserted on SOATEST that these percentile types be used.

Please see the “Required System Values for Validation Forms” section in the “Validation Forms” chapter of the Banner Student User Guide for a list of required system values for this validation page.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the test score percentile. When a test score percentile code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the test score percentile code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of test score percentile code.
System Required Check box used to specify whether this value is required by the system. If this check box is checked, the validation table record cannot be deleted. When this check box is checked, it cannot be unchecked.
User ID ID of the person who last updated the record. Display only.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.