Visa Type Code Validation (STVVTYP) page

Use the Visa Type Code Validation (STVVTYP) page to create, update, insert, and delete visa type codes, such as Tourist, Student Visa, Exchange Scholar, and so on.

The International Information (GOAINTL) page uses this page to validate the visa type codes. You can create and update these codes only from this page.

Note: All Banner® systems share this validation page. You should coordinate with other Banner system users at your institution when deciding what codes are used on this page.
Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the visa type. When a visa type code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the visa type code record cannot be deleted.
Description Description of the visa type.
Admission Request Code Code of the required admission request checklist item associated with the visa type.

Select the Search button for this field to access the Admission Request Code Validation (STVADMR) list.

List Admission Request Code Validation (STVADMR)

Description Description associated with the admission request checklist item code, automatically displayed when a valid value is entered in the Admissions Request field. Display only.
Non-Resident Check box used to specify that a student with this visa type is a non-resident alien.
Voice Response Message Number Number assigned to the Voice Response message assigned to this visa type.
Canadian Statistics Code Five-digit code representing the immigration status code defined and used on the Annual University Full-Time Teaching Staff Survey associated. Enter the code that identifies the immigration status for the visa to Stats Canada.
SEVIS Code SEVIS visa type code associated with this visa type. You must enter the new values before attempting to process records. Values for this field come from the INS’s website.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.