Web Payment Options Validation (STVWPYO) page

Use the Web Payment Options Validation (STVWPYO) page to create and update the Web payment option codes for use with Web transcript requests.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the Web payment option. When a Web payment option code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the Web payment option code record cannot be deleted.

This field maps to STVWPYO_CODE. This is a required field.

Description Description of the Web payment option. This field maps to STVWPYO_DESC. This is a required field.
For Credit Card Check box used to specify that the use of this Web payment option will invoke the Web credit card payment process. This field maps to STVWPYO_CREDIT_CARD_IND.
Detail Code Charge detail code to be used in billing for the transcript request. This field maps to STVWPYO_DETC_CODE. It is a required field.

Values are validated against the Detail Code Control (TSADETC) page for detail codes with a detail category of TRN. Accounts Receivable charges will be posted only when the Billing Term (if being posted to the learner’s account), Detail Code, and Amount fields are all populated and valid.

Select the Search button for this field to access the Detail Code Control (TSADETC) page.

List Detail Code Control (TSADETC) page

User ID ID of the user who last updated the record. This field maps to STVWPYO_USER_ID and is automatically updated anytime the (Web Payment Option) Code, Description, and Detail Code fields are entered or updated. Display only.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. This field maps to STVWPYO_ACTIVITY_DATE and is automatically updated anytime the (Web Payment Option) Code, Description, and Detail Code fields are entered or updated. Display only.