Web Self Service Options Validation (STVWSSO) page

Use the Web Self Service Options Validation (STVWSSO) page to create and update the self-service option codes for use with self-service transcript and enrollment verification requests.

Fields Descriptions
Code Code of the self-service option. When a self-service option code record has been saved, the code entered in this field cannot be changed. When this code has been used in any other record, the self-service option code record cannot be deleted.

This field maps to STVWSSO_CODE. This is a required field.

Description Description of the self-service option.

This field maps to STVWSSO_DESC. This is a required field.

Charge Monetary amount associated with the self-service option code. Valid values are any number from 00.00 to 9999999999.99.

This field maps to STVWSSO_CHRG. This is an optional field.

Issued To Text to be inserted into the Issued To line on the paper transcript or the enrollment verification for this self-service option.

For example, you might want the comment Hold for pickup to be printed in the Issued To line on the transcript or enrollment verification when the HOLD code is selected by the learner.

This field maps to STVWSSO_ISSUE_TO_COMMENT. It is optional and defaults to null.

Printer Code ID of the printer to be associated with any self-service transcript (SHRTRTC) or enrollment verification (SFRENRL) requests created using this self-service option.

You can run the Academic Transcript Process (SHRTRTC) in sleep/wake mode, or run the Enrollment Verification Report (SFRENRL), specify this printer code in the appropriate parameter, and have all requests printed automatically on a designated printer.

This field maps to STVWSSO_PRNT_CODE. It is an optional field. It is validated against GTVPRNT and defaults to null. Select the Search button for this field to access the Printer Validation (GTVPRNT) list.

List Printer Validation (GTVPRNT)

User ID of the user who last updated the record.

This field maps to STVWSSO_USER_ID and is automatically updated anytime the (Web Self-Service Option) Code, Description, Charge, Issued To, and Printer Code fields are entered or updated. Display only.

Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated.

This field maps to STVWSSO_ACTIVITY_DATE and is automatically updated anytime the (Web Self-Service Option) Code, Description, Charge, Issued To, and Printer Code fields are entered or updated. Display only.