Match records

SAAEAPS uses the Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) page and Common Matching algorithm to assist in matching incoming Web and EDI application records to existing Banner records. Use the following steps to resolve suspended records or to match and load new records from SAAEAPS.

About this task


  1. Query for the admissions records that have been suspended (where the Application Status is U for “suspended”), or by any of the other fields.
  2. Set the Accepted Indicator to Y if it is still set to U.
  3. Select the Verification Steps section or the Manual Verification Steps option from the Options Menu to access the Verification Steps window.
  4. Mark any of the person or application steps complete, except for the IDVR step, and then save the changes.
  5. Select the IDVR step, and then choose the Associate Person with ID item from the Options Menu.
  6. This opens the Associate Person with ID window, where you can choose which type of Banner ID to assign to the selected record from the Select an ID field.

    • Electronic ID – This is the ID used by the applicant when the electronic application was submitted.
    • Local ID – This is the locally assigned ID reported by the applicant when the electronic application was submitted. It is used for applications filed through EDI. For example, this may be a generated ID from another institution or the person's high school.
    • SSN – This field displays the value reported by the applicant as a social security or other Federal ID number when the electronic application was submitted.
    • Banner ID – This field is used to specify the ID which should be used when the SPRIDEN record is created for the applicant in Banner.
    • Generate ID – This field indicates that Banner should generate an ID for this person.
  7. After choosing the appropriate ID type, either save the changes or select the Associate Person with an ID button. This will display GOAMTCH.
  8. The ID displayed on GOAMTCH should match the option chosen in the Associate Person with ID window. The Matching Source field should contain the source code that has been assigned to the interface code on SAAWADF for the application type of the selected Web application. This source code can be changed if desired.

    If no interface code has been specified for the application type on SAAWADF, then the Matching Source field will contain the default source code assigned to the user ID on GORCMUS. If no default source code has been assigned on GORCMUS, you will be able to select a source code from the lookup button.

    go to the next section to populate the Data Entry section with all of the data for the incoming electronic applicant record that is present in the temporary tables.

  9. You can update or adjust the data in the Data Entry section if it does not meet your institution’s data standards. These updates will be copied back to the temporary tables and used when the applicant's record is created.
  10. After the data has been “cleaned up”, use go to the next section to call the matching algorithm, or select the Duplicate Check button.
  11. The incoming electronic application can be a match, a potential match, or a new record:
    1. If the incoming electronic application is found to be a match to someone in Banner, the Banner record will be displayed in the Match section.
    2. If the incoming electronic application is found to be a potential match against more than one existing Banner record, then all of the possible matches will be displayed in the Potential Matches window.
    3. If the electronic application is found to be a new record, an Alert Box will be displayed with a message asking if you want to create the new person.
  12. If the person is found to be an exact match, you can do one of three things:
    1. Match the incoming record to the Banner record but not update any null fields that exist for the person in Banner by selecting the Select ID button.
    2. Match the incoming record to the Banner record and choose to update any null fields that exist for the person in Banner with data on the incoming record by selecting the Update ID button.
    3. Choose to ignore the matched status, and create the person as new by selecting the Create New button.
  13. After selecting one of the options above, the user will be returned to the Verification Steps window, and the IDVR step will be marked as complete. Continue processing the electronic applicant as needed.