Electronic Prospect Inquiry (SRIPREL) page

This page is used to query and view records in the Search Tape View (SRVPREL). This page is also used in conjunction with the Search Tape Matching Process (SRRSRIN) and the Migrate Electronic Prospects Process (SRRPREL).

About this task

You can access the Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) page using the Match (GOAMTCH) item in the Options Menu to display information for a prospect ID and then execute the matching process before a new PIDM is created in Banner®. SRIPREL uses GOAMTCH and the Common Matching algorithm for data load processing to determine if the incoming record matches an existing Banner record.

Use the following steps to resolve suspended records or to match and load new records from SRIPREL.


  1. Query for prospect records (where the Match Status is S for suspended), or by other parameters.
  2. If you want to view details about the selected record, choose the Details (SRAPREL) item from the Options Menu. If you want to use the matching algorithm against the selected record, then choose the Match (GOAMTCH) item from the Options Menu.
  3. Before you can access GOAMTCH, you will be asked to assign an ID to the new user, either a generated ID or the person's SSN. When the data is saved, you will be taken to GOAMTCH.
  4. When you enter GOAMTCH, the ID field will contain either the word GENERATED or the selected record’s SSN. The Matching Source field will contain the matching source code that has been assigned to the interface code, which is also assigned to the electronic prospect code of the selected record on STVPREL.

    If no matching source code has been assigned to the interface code, then the Matching Source field will contain the default matching source code that has been assigned to the user ID on GORCMUS. If no default source code has been assigned on GORCMUS, then you will be able to select any matching source code from the Lookup button.

  5. Perform a Go button to populate the Data Entry section with all of the data for the incoming prospect record that is present in the temporary tables.
  6. You can update or adjust the data in the Data Entry section if it does not meet your institution’s data standards. These updates will be copied back to the temporary tables and used when the prospect's record is created.
  7. Perform a Go button to run the matching algorithm. The algorithm will determine if the incoming record is new, matched, or a potential match.
  8. Determine if the record is to be new or matched, and select the appropriate button.
  9. The user will be automatically returned to SRIPREL. The match status will always be Matched, as the person has now been created in Banner by GOAMTCH. Continue with regular SRIPREL load processing.

    The new match status, *Matched*, is displayed under that person's record on SRIPREL. When you exit the page or requery against the data in the SRVPREL view, these highlighted values disappear, and the Match Status field is updated appropriately.

    The Migrate Electronic Prospects Process (SRRPREL) can then be used to load those records with a match status M (Match) to Banner production. Or, you can use the Create Recruit/Applicant item in the Options Menu to create Banner records individually.

    All fields on this page are searchable and can be used in combination to locate specific data loads or populations.


    Fields Descriptions
    Student Type Student type code for the electronic prospect. This code is used for PCU data load processing for student types of O (Other) based on the rule set up on SOTCNVT.
    Match Status This field displays the match status created by either the Search Tape Matching Process (SRRSRIN) or the Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) page, based on the rules on the Common Matching Rules (GORCMRL) page.
    Load Status This field indicates that the record for this person has already been created or updated in Banner. A person may be present on multiple search or test score files, so they may have multiple records in SRVPREL. This flag, if set to C, indicates that this record has been loaded into Banner.

    This page also allows you to perform the following three tasks:

  10. For a selected record, use the Detail item in the Options Menu to access the Electronic Prospect Detail (SRAPREL) page to view the detailed search or test score data for the person.
  11. Use the Match item in the Options Menu to access the Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) page to determine if this person already exists in Banner, and then match the person.
  12. Use the Create Recruit/Applicant item in the Options Menu to create or update the following Banner records for a person who is either new or has been matched to a Banner record.

    • SPAPERS – demographic information
    • SPAIDEN – address information
    • SPATELE – telephone information
    • GOAINTL - international information
    • SOAPCOL – prior college information
    • SOAHSCH – high school information
    • SRARECR – source, contact, and interests
    • SOATEST – test scores (for test score data loads only, including percentiles for SAT and GRE files)
    • SAAADMS – application information
    • SOASUPL – applicant supplemental information, for AMCAS only