Student Course Registration Audit (SFASTCA) page

The Student Course Registration Audit (SFASTCA) page shows the results of course requests saved to the database through the Student Course Registration (SFAREGS) page, the Registration Mass Entry (SFAMREG) page, telephone registration processing, and Banner Self-Service registration. All registration transactions are captured, including fatal errors and overrides.

Enter a term code or a date range in the Key block for your search. The date range is used for open learning courses. Access SFARHST for an alternative search method for registration information by term or ID to gather additional audit information.

Final grades posted to the SFRSTCR record in the SFRSTCR_GRDE_CODE field create registration audit trail records which can be viewed on the Student Course Registration Audit (SFASTCA) page. The audit trail records are written by database triggers on the SFRSTCR table, so any grades posted or changed in SFRSTCR will be reflected in audit trail records. Audit trail records for grades will include the message Grade update to x, where x is the entered grade value. This message will be issued whether the change is to enter the first final grade, or whether a grade already existing in SFRSTCR is changed to another value. (Grade changes in Academic History will not be reflected in the registration audit trail, but are audited in the academic history grade table.)

This page is composed of the following sections: