Student Course Registration Audit

Use this section of the page to view the registration audit detail for the ID and term or date range in the Key block. Registration records are displayed for the student’s registration activities from baseline, telephone, and Student Self-Service registration. Records are displayed in chronological order with the oldest records first. Use the Registration Audit section to access this section of the page.

Fields Descriptions
Sequence Number Course audit trail sequence number for the registration audit record.

This number is assigned when the record is inserted into the table, based on the registration term and the student’s registration activities.

Term Term for the registration audit record.
section Registration section code for a group of courses.
CRN Course reference number.
Subject Subject of the course.
Course Course number.
Section Section number of the course.
Campus Campus of the course.
Level Level of the course.
Grading Mode Grade mode of the course, either the default mode or the student’s choice of available grading modes for the course.,
Attempted Hours Student’s attempted hours for the CRN/section.

The field displays the existing SFRSTCA_ATTEMPTED_HOUR value, which is set to either the SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR_HOLD value or 0 when the record is created, based on the value of the STVRSTS_ATTEMPTED_HRS_IND field.

Credit Hours Available credit hours for the course.
Bill Hours Available billing hours for the course.
Source Source of the registration table that generated the audit record. Valid values are TEMP and BASE.
  • TEMP indicates that the record was generated by the SFTREGS table triggers.
  • BASE indicates that the record was generated by the SFRSTCR table triggers.
Course Status Course registration status for the course from STVRSTS and SFARSTS (term and part of term).
Status Date Date the course registration status was recorded for the record.
Add Date Date the course registration record was added (when the student registered for the course).
Study Path Key sequence number of the study path. This field is not displayed when study paths are not enabled.
Message Course registration message text for the record. Message code and text information comes from SFARMSG.

This field may not be populated for all records in the audit trail. In many cases, the message can be inferred from value in the Course Status field (from STVRSTS) associated with the record. Messages for fatal errors are always captured.

Error Flag Course registration error flag. This flag identifies an error associated with the registration for a CRN.
Valid values are:
  • F (Fatal, registration not permitted)
  • D (Do not count in enrollment)
  • L (Waitlisted course)
  • O (Override used for registration)
  • W (Warning)
  • X (Delete course)

(X is only used by the SFRSTCR_POST_UPDATE database trigger.)