Degrees and Other Formal Awards (SHADEGR) page |
This window is used to enter and view the curriculum details for the recruit, applicant, learner, or learner outcome record. This window is accessed using the Curriculum item in the Options Menu or by selecting the Curricula section.
This function does not consider the curriculum user defaults in the duplication process. If the user uses the Insert function and then the Duplicate Key function, the curriculum user defaults will fill the newly inserted record before the record duplication occurs.
When the Replace button is used for an outcome curriculum record that has a graduation application associated with the degree sequence, the new curriculum record will automatically replace the old curriculum record for the graduation application. The outcome delete process will delete the graduation application. If a learner curriculum record exists for a graduation application, the outcome delete process will not delete the graduation application. When an outcome curriculum record is copied, the graduation application sequence number is copied to the new record. This includes processing for the Update and Duplicate buttons in the Curriculum window.
This window will only display the appropriate fields for curriculum rows for the module from which it is being called. For example, if the window is called from SAAADMS, then only curriculum rows where the module code is ADMISSIONS would be returned. The fields displayed will differ, depending on the module referenced. Access the Learner Curriculum Query (SOILCUR) page from the Options menu to view curriculum information for all modules.
You can search to select only the most current records for each priority for the ID in either the Curriculum or Field of Study windows by entering Y in the Current field. You can enter N to see records that are not current. You can also select all records by leaving the Current field blank.