Sample Queries and Records Displayed

The following describes how records will be queried and displayed, depending on the four possibilities for values entered in the Key block fields.

Row # Document ID Routing Status Status Indicator
1 111-22-3333 VERF C
2 111-22-3333 ADMR P
3 111-22-3333 FINA P
4 222-33-4444 VERF P
5 222-33-4444 ADMR P
6 333-44-5555 VERF C
7 333-44-5555 ADMR C
8 333-44-5555 TOTA C
9 333-44-5555 ARCH C

Notes for example Document IDs:

Document ID Comment
111-22-3333 Has pending and complete routing
222-33-4444 Has only pending routing statuses
333-44-5555 Has only complete routing statuses

Query Example 1:

Status Field Pending/Complete Indicator
Blank (null) P

The result will be the same as the existing search functionality. A row will be displayed for all pending routing statuses for each document ID. Rows 2, 3, 4, and 5 will display.

Query Example 2:

Status Field Pending/Complete Indicator
Blank (null) C

The result will be a single record displayed for any document for which all existing routing statuses have been completed. The record that is selected for display will be the record with the maximum existing routing status code (maximum in terms of alphabetical order). The display of all additional routing statuses may be accessed through selecting the Route Transcript option. Previously, transcripts where all routing statuses had been completed no longer displayed on this page. Row 6 will display.

Query Example 3:

Status Field Pending/Complete Indicator
Specific value (ADMR) P

The result will be a single row for any document for which that specific routing status is pending. Rows 2 and 5 will display.

Query Example 4:

Status Field Pending/Complete Indicator
Specific value (VERF) C

The result will be a single row displayed for any document for which that specific routing status is complete. Rows 1 and 6 will display.