Event (SLAEVNT) page

Use this page to create, maintain, and schedule an event. An event is any occasion that your institution offers or sponsors. Examples include meetings, conferences, and graduation ceremonies.

An event can optionally have several functions scheduled for specific dates, times, and places. For example, an event such as an alumni weekend might have a reception, dinner, conference, and lecture scheduled at various times and locations. You can create and schedule functions on SLAEVNT or on the Event Function (GEAFUNC) page. All other function details (such as contacts and status) must be entered on GEAFUNC.

You can also associate an Agency ID with an event. The agency can be created using the Identification (SPAIDEN) page accessed from the Options Menu from the Event Information section.

The buildings where the events are being scheduled must exist on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. The rooms being used in event scheduling must exist on the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page. Room conflicts are checked when a record is first created, and also if the record is later updated with a new date, time, or room assignment.

Note: For more information on Event Management forms, instructions, and usage, please refer to the “Event Management” chapter in the Banner General User Guide.