Contacts, Cohorts, Attributes window

Use this window to create and update information between the admissions applicant and the institution. Use the Contacts, Cohorts, Attributes section to access this window.

Multiple contact codes may be entered. You can also create and update cohort codes by application. The cohort code is used to group information for Student Right to Know tracking, and other tracking requirements institutions may have. Application-specific attributes may also be maintained. If a recruit record is pulled to admissions, recruit attributes will also roll to admissions.

When a decision is made on the Admissions Decision (SAADCRV) page, and that decision code indicates that the student has accepted and plans to attend the institution (the Applicant Accept check box is checked as defined on the Admissions Application Decision Code Validation (STVAPDC) page for the decision code entered), a General Student record is created automatically using the information entered on the application. This information is displayed on the General Student (SGASTDN) page and the Additional Student Information (SGASADD) page.

Note: Cohort codes that are added to SAAADMS after the applicant has accepted, and after general student information is created, do not default to the Additional Student Information (SGASADD) page. Any additional cohorts for the student must, at this point, be added through the Additional Student Information (SGASADD) page.