Registration Course Add Values Information

Use the Registration Course Add Values section in the Update window to enter the CRN to be added. Values for other fields are defaulted, but you can update the Grade Mode and Level fields if multiple values exist for the course. You can also update the Credit Hours and Billing Hours fields if variable hours exist for the section. The Registration Status field defaults to RE, but you can change it to any “registered” course registration status code. When section code processing is used, the Registration Course Add Values section is disabled.

Course data is validated in the same way as it is on SFAREGS. All data must be entered to use this section of the page. When mass section processing is used, the Registration Course Add Values information is disabled. Only traditional courses are used in section scheduling. If open learning courses exist, they are not added.

Using the Registration Course Add Values and Registration Course Drop Values information together allows you to drop students from a CRN and then add them into another CRN. Drops are processed first, then adds are processed. Errors are displayed if actions are taken that do not comply with registration rules. An error is displayed if you try to add and drop the same CRN at the same time. When a course is added, and that course already exists on the student’s schedule with a course registration status code of “dropped” or “withdrawn”, an error is displayed, and no processing occurs.

Fields Descriptions
CRN CRN to which students are to be added/registered.

List Schedule Section Query (SSASECQ) page

Subject Subject associated with the CRN.
Course Number Course number associated with the CRN.
Section Section number associated with the CRN.
Grade Mode Grade mode associated with the CRN. This value will default in when the grade mode has been defined at the section level. When multiple grade modes are available for the CRN, you must enter one.

List Grade Mode (STVGMOD)

Start Date Start date of the section.
End Date End date of the section.
Registration Status Registration status code. This value defaults to RE but can be changed. The status entered is validated against STVRSTS and must be a course registration status of “registered”.

List Registration Status for Add Course (STVRSTS)

Level Level for the section. The level does not default in and is not required. The following hierarchy is used during processing.
  • If only one level exists for the course, it will be used.
  • If multiple levels exist for the course, the student's level code from the primary curriculum is used.
  • If the student's level code is not valid for the course (per SCRLEVL), the level code from the Update window is used.
  • If no level code exists in the Update window, a registration error message is displayed.
Credit Hours Credit hours for the section. If the section uses variable credit hours, and no hours have been defined at the section level, you must enter a value.
Billing Hours Billing hours for the section. If the section uses variable billing hours, and no billing hours have been defined at the section level, you must enter a value.
Attempted Hours Attempted hours associated with the CRN. This value is defaulted in based on the Count in Attempted setting on STVRSTS for the course registration status code.
Time Status Hours Time status hours associated with the CRN. This value is defaulted in based on the Count in Time Status setting on STVRSTS for the course registration status code.
Part of Term Part of term associated with the CRN.
Instructional Method Instructional method associated with the CRN.
Campus Campus associated with the CRN.