Search Criteria Information

Use this section of the page to enter the search criteria for mass registration processing. Use the search criteria and the population selection criteria to perform the search.

You can search on data by term. You can specify student information such as class, attribute, cohort, section code, grade mode, and CRN for which current registration exists. You can also search by all the curriculum elements. Curriculum information is determined by using the current, active learner records selected by the search. If no data is entered for the search criteria, the Results window will be blank, but you can manually add student IDs in the Results window.

Fields Descriptions
Search Term Term for the search criteria, not necessarily the registration term.

This is required when any other search criteria are entered, including a population selection.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Currently in CRN CRN for the search criteria based on the search term. Students enrolled in the CRN with a course registration status of “registered” on STVRSTS are returned by the search if they are eligible to register for the registration term.

List Schedule Section Query (SSASECQ) page

Registration Status Used to select the registration status for the search criteria. This is the status of the CRN for which the student is currently registered. You can only enter a value in this field when the Currently in CRN field is populated

List Course Registration Status Validation list (STVRSTS)

Grade Mode Grade mode for the search criteria. This field is enabled when the Currently in CRN field is populated.

List Grade Mode (STVGMOD)

section section scheduling code for the search criteria.

List section Code Validation (STVBLCK)

Class Class for the search criteria. The class used is based on the primary curriculum level code and the class associated with the active general student record for the search term.

List Class Code Validation (STVCLAS)

Student Attribute Student attribute for the search criteria. The student attribute used is based on the attribute that is active for the search term.

List Student Attribute Validation (STVATTS)

Cohort Cohort for the search criteria. The cohort used is based on the cohort that is active for the search term.

List Cohort Code Validation (STVCHRT)

Bypass Registration Eligibility Check Check box used to turn off registration eligibility checking for students selected for mass registration updates. This indicator can be set to Y (checked) or NULL (unchecked). The default is unchecked. When this indicator is unchecked, eligibility requirements must be met. You can only enter a value in this field when the Currently in CRN field is populated.

When the Bypass Registration Eligibility Check check box is checked, all students who meet the search criteria are displayed in the Results window, whether or not they are eligible to register. During registration progressing, each student’s eligibility will be checked. Those students who are not eligible to register will only be processed if dropped courses are processed, and the “dropped” course registration status code (STVRSTS) has the following four indicators unchecked (set to N): Count in Enrollment, Count in Assessment, Waitlist Indicator, and Extension Indicator.

Level Level for the search criteria.

List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL)

Campus Campus for the search criteria.

List Campus Validation (STVCAMP)

College College for the search criteria.

List College Validation (STVCOLL)

Degree Degree for the search criteria.

List Degree Code Validation (STVDEGC)

Program Program for the search criteria.

List Existing Programs (SMAPRLE)

Field of Study Type Learner field of study type for the search criteria.

List Learner Field of Study Type (GTVLFST)

Field of Study Code Field of study code for the search criteria.

List All Major Codes (STVMAJR)

Department Department for the search criteria.

List Department Validation (STVDEPT)

Curricula Curriculum for the search criteria. This field is required when any curriculum information is entered and defaults to Any.

Valid values are Primary, Secondary, Any.