Progress Evaluation Processing

The Student Term window displays the progress evaluation (PREV) code, the combined academic standing (CAST) code, and the associated descriptions for the student and the academic standing. Override codes and terms will display if available, and you may update (override) an existing code using these fields.

When you are registering a student in a course, SFAREGS checks the combined academic standing code first to see if this code can cause registration to be prohibited or if maximum hours are attached to that code. It then looks at the academic standing for prohibitions or maximum hour restrictions.

The logic within baseline registration, telephone registration, and Web registration considers whether or not a student’s combined academic standing (CAST) code has any registration restrictions or limitations associated with it. If it does not, or if the student does not have a combined academic standing (CAST) code, the registration process will also consider whether or not the academic standing (ASTD) code has any registration restrictions or limitations associated with it. As such, your institution should carefully consider whether or not to place registration restrictions and limitations on both sets of codes (CAST and ASTD). It is recommended that you associate registration restrictions and limitations with one set of codes or the other, not necessarily both.

The following fields in this window are used for progress evaluation:

Fields Descriptions
Progress Evaluation The Progress Evaluation field is used to enter the progress evaluation code for the student in the key.

If an override exists on SGASTDN, then both the Progress Evaluation and Override Term fields are populated with those values. However, if no override exists, then only the Progress Evaluation field is populated from the value on SHAINST.

List Progress Evaluation Code Validation (STVPREV)

Description (untitled) This is the description of the progress evaluation code.
Override Term The (Progress Evaluation) Override Term field is used to enter the term for which the override takes place.
Combined Academic Standing The Combined Academic Standing field is used to enter the combined academic standing code for the student in the key.

If an override exists on SGASTDN, then both the Combined Academic Standing and Override Term fields are populated with those values. However, if no override exists, then only the Combined Academic Standing field is populated from the value on SHAINST.

List Combined Academic Standing Code Validation (STVCAST)

Description (untitled) This is the description of the combined academic standing code.
Override Term The (Combined Academic) Override Term field is used to enter the term for which the override takes place.