Copy Fee Assessment Rules To a New Term window

Use this window to edit the rule information copied from another term to reflect the new schedule of fees.

The following buttons are used with this window:
  • Select the Copy Rules to New Term button in the Key block to open this window.
  • Select the Process Rule Copy button to save the changes you make in this window.
  • Select the Return button to go back to the main window.

The following fields are in this window.

Fields Descriptions
From Term The term code for the term to copy the rules from.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

To Term The term code for the term to copy the rules to.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

College College code for the college to copy the rules from.

List College Validation (STVCOLL)

Level Level code for the student level to copy the rules from.

List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL)

Student Attribute Student attribute code for the student attribute to copy the rules from.

List Student Attribute Validation (STVATTS)

Campus Campus code for the student campus to copy the rules from.

List Campus Validation (STVCAMP)

Department Department code for the student department to copy the rules from.

List Department Validation (STVDEPT)

Instructional Method Instructional method code for the student course registration to copy the rules from.

List Instructional Method Validation (GTVINSM)

Course Attribute Course attribute code for the course attribute to copy the rules from.

List Degree Program Attribute Validation (STVATTR)

Curricula Rate Fee assessment rate code on the curriculum record to copy the rules from.

List Student Fee Assessment Rate Validation (STVRATE)

Grade Mode Grade mode code for the grade mode to copy the rules from.

List Grading Mode Code Validation (STVGMOD)

Class Class code for the class to copy the rules from.

List Class Code Validation (STVCLAS)

Residency Residence code for the residency to copy the rules from.

List Residence Code Validation (STVRESD)

Student Type Student type code for the student type to copy the rules from.

List Student Type Code Validation (STVSTYP)

Program Program code for the program to copy the rules from.

List Program Codes (SMARPLE)

Schedule Schedule type code for the student course registration to copy the rules from.

List Schedule Type Code Validation (STVSCHD)

Course Level Course level code for the course level to copy the rules from.

List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL)

Field of Study Type Learner field of study type to copy the rules from.

List Learner Field of Study Type (GTVLFST)

Field of Study Code Field of study code (major) to copy the rules from.

List Major Code Validation (STVMAJR)

Rate Rate code for the rate to copy the rules from.

List Student Fee Assessment Rate Validation (STVRATE)

Admission Term Term code used to copy the rules from the term when the student was admitted.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Part of Term Part-of-term code for the part-of-term to copy the rules from.

List Part of Term Code Validation (STVPTRM)

Degree Degree code for the degree to copy the rules from.

List Degree Code Validation (STVDEGC)

Course Campus Course campus code for the course campus to copy the rules from.

List Campus Code Validation (STVCAMP)

Curricula Student Type Student type code on the curriculum record to copy the rules from.

List Student Type Code Validation (STVSTYP)

Curricula Curriculum to copy the rules from.

Valid values are Primary, Secondary, Any.

Mouse Keyboard Result
Copy Rules to New Term N/A Opens Copy window
Process Rule Copy N/A Saves changes made in window
Return N/A Returns user to main window