Student/Course Rules section

This section is used to maintain student information data for registration fee assessment processing. Use the Student/Course section to access this section.

Fields Descriptions
Student Attribute Student’s attribute code for the rule.

List Student Attribute Validation (STVATTS)

Student Type Student’s type code for the rule.

List Student Type Code Validation (STVSTYP)

Student Rate Student’s rate code for the rule.

List Student Fee Assessment Rate Validation (STVRATE)

Residency Student’s residency code for the rule.

List Residence Code Validation (STVRESD)

Visa Student’s visa type code for the rule.

The visa type is required for processing visa type rules. The matching visa type and visa number must also exist on GOAINTL.

List Visa Type Code (STVVTYP)

Class Student’s class code for the rule.

List Class Code Validation (STVCLAS)

POT (Part of Term) Part-of-term code for the student’s registration record. Use C for combined part-of-term rules. Part-of-term can work in conjunction with assess by course processing. Part-of-term rules cannot be used in conjunction with open learning courses.

List Part of Term Code Validation (STVPTRM)

Cohort Student’s cohort code for the rule.

List Cohort Code Validation (STVCHRT)

Assess by Course Check box that allows rule qualification and assessment for individual courses within a course grouping.

Assess by course processing determines that a particular data element of a course, such as part-of term, grade mode, instructional method, or schedule type should be identified for a CRN being processed by grouping the hours on the student’s record and assessing a charge.

For example, if an institution were to assess an additional charge for all courses taken with a part-of-term code of DAY, fee assessment would pass the billing hours for each course with the part-of-term code of DAY (in the student’s registration record where the registration code allows count in assessment), into the process, and then assess the additional charge only on those hours.

Grade Mode Grade mode attached to the CRN for the student. This can only be used when Assess by Course is checked for the rule.

List Grading Mode Code Validation (STVGMOD)

Instructional Method Instructional method assigned to a CRN for the student. This can only be used when Assess by Course is checked for the rule.

This field can be used to define rules for which students registered in the term will receive the fee calculation in that rule. An example would be if an institution had the requirement to assess technology fees to only those sections that had an instructional method of WEB.

List Instructional Method Validation (GTVINSM)

Schedule Type Schedule type assigned to a CRN for the student. This can only be used when Assess by Course is checked for the rule.

This field can be used to define rules for which students registered in the term will receive the fee calculation in that rule. An example would be if an institution had the requirement to assess technology fees to only those sections that had a schedule type of WEB.

List Schedule Type Validation (STVSCHD)