Student Centric Registration section

Use this section to view registration history information for CRNs. Records are displayed by student centric period and then by term within the period.

Field Description
Student Centric Period Student centric period from the registration record.

List Student Centric Period Term Control (SOASCPT) page

Term Term code from the registration record.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM) page

Part of Term Part-of-term from the registration record.
CRN Course reference number from the registration record.
Subject Subject from the registration record.
Course This is the course number from the registration record.
Level Course level from the registration record.
Course Status Course status from the registration record.
Credit Hours Credit hours from the registration record.
Bill Hours Billing hours from the registration record.
Attempted Hours Attempted hours from the registration record.
Time Status Hours Time status hours from the registration record.
Final Grade Final grade from the registration record.
Grade Rolled Check box used to indicate whether the grade date exists on the registration record, indicating that the section has been rolled to academic history.
Study Path Key sequence number of the study path. Display only. This field is not displayed when study paths are not enabled.
Total Credit Hours Total credit hours for the student centric period registration record.
Total Bill Hours Total billing hours for the student centric period registration record.
CEU Hours Total continuing education hours for the student centric period registration record.