This page has two main uses. The first is to display the section information and the students enrolled in the course. The records will be ordered by entry into the course. This can be used to monitor sections during registration. Section information must be entered on the Schedule (SSASECT) page before accessing this information. To get the student information on the page, the student needs to be registered for the section for the term.
The second purpose of the page is to allow for the entry of mid-term and final grades. The first step of the grade process is to produce the grade rosters. During this process, class roster data will be sorted by name and the files updated. When the page is requeried, it will display in name order and in the order of the grade roster.
You are now ready to enter grades. If the Roll (Indicator) in the Key block is checked, final grades which have been entered will roll to history files when a Save function is performed. If the Roll (Indicator) is unchecked, rows are written to a collector file which can be processed using the batch Grade Roll to Academic History (SHRROLL).
The system provides a warning message Warning - Student was automatically graded through registration if you attempt to change a grade on the roster that was entered by the system as an auto-grade associated with the course registration status (as defined on the Course Registration Status Code Validation (STVRSTS) page. However, the updated grade will roll to academic history if the Roll (Indicator) is checked, or if the Roll (Indicator) is unchecked and the Grade Roll to Academic History (SHRROLL) is run, provided the original grade was not previously rolled to academic history.
Before saving, you may correct an erroneous grade when the Key block Roll (Indicator) is set. The Roll (Indicator) on each individual enrollment will not be set until all validation, including grade substitution checking, has occurred, and the enrollment will be able to be rolled.
When grade entries are saved, grade validation will begin with the first person in the list and continue until an error is encountered, which will prevent an enrollment from rolling. An error message will then be given, and the cursor will be positioned on that enrollment. The erroneous grade will be able to be corrected, and grade validation will continue when a Save is performed. Roll flags will be set only after grade validation has been completed. Note that grades will not actually be rolled until grade validation has been successfully completed for all enrollments which have not yet been rolled, and if corrections are not made to all grades which fail validation, none of the enrollments which qualify for rolling will be rolled.
There is also an optional Degree Award Status field in the Key block. If used, this indicator will permit entering of grades for only those students with a specific degree status. Valid choices are Awarded, Pending, and Select... (null) for all statuses.