Area Group Compliance Summary window

The Area Group Compliance Summary window displays a brief summary of compliance results for each group attached to an area and provides a quick, at-a-glance status of the compliance results for each group, if group data exists. It also allows you to request additional information.

To access the window, select next section from the Program Area Compliance Summary information on the main window.

Fields Descriptions
Program Code and description of program for which groups are displayed. Display only.
Area Code and description of area for which groups are displayed. Display only.
Catalog Term Code of catalog term for which groups are displayed. Display only.
Met If the check box is checked, then the requirements have been met for the group on which your cursor is positioned. Display only.
Set Set code. Set code used to define the group attachment, if any. Display only.
Subset Subset code. Subset code used to define the group attachment, if any. Display only.
Rule Rule code. Rule code used to define the group attachment, if any. Display only.
Group Group code and description. Code and description of a group which is attached to and processed for the area. Display only.
Action Code Action code. Indicates that an adjustment was performed on the area and the type of adjustment. Display only.
Awarded Credits The number of credits used toward the requirement. Display only.
Awarded Course The number of courses used toward the requirement. Display only.
Reason Rule/Group Not Met Displays the reason the rule or group is not satisfied. Display only

Met and Not Met (Data/No Data) buttons exist for the fields below. When requirements exist and have been met, the Met button is enabled. When requirements exist and have not been met, the Not Met button is enabled. If requirements do not exist, neither of the buttons are enabled.

Fields Descriptions
General Requirements The General Requirements Met and Not Met buttons reflect the results of analysis of group general requirements. Display only.

Enter - General Requirements section of main window of SMIGOUT

Group Detail Requirements The Group Detail Requirements Met and Not Met buttons relate only to areas which have groups attached. They reflect the results of analysis of group course/attribute detail requirements. Display only.

Enter - Course/Attribute Attachment window on SMIGOUT

Rule Requirements The Rule Requirements Met and Not Met buttons relate only to areas which have groups attached and are using rules. They reflect the results of analysis of group rule requirements. Display only.

Enter - Area Rule Attachment window