Detailed Restriction Result (SFQPREQ) page

The Detailed Restriction Result (SFQPREQ) page is used to display prerequisite failure information when an area prerequisite has not been met during an attempt to register a student for a section which uses area prerequisites.

SFQPREQ is available as an option from the Student Course Registration (SFAREGS) page. You can access SFQPREQ only after receiving a prerequisite failure error for a section which the prerequisite requirements are defined using a CAPP area. When a section’s prerequisite requirements are defined using an area and a student fails the prerequisite requirement, a PRE-REQ AND TEST SCORE – ERROR will be displayed in the Message field of SFAREGS.

At that time, you can use the CRN field Search feature and the Option List (select View Detailed Results) or a Duplicate Item function from the line containing the error. The Detailed Restriction Result (SFQPREQ) page then displays the details of the requirement. After reviewing the requirement on SFQPREQ and exiting, you will be returned to SFAREGS, where additional enrollment requests can be entered, the prerequisite error can be overridden, or the enrollment request can be dropped.

Note: SFQPREQ is available only for enrollment attempts in sections which use area prerequisites. If you request display of SFQPREQ for all enrollment attempts where test score and prerequisite restrictions are used, the error message *ERROR* CAPP Area Prerequisite error not encountered is displayed.

This page displays prerequisite areas for the CRN selected on SFAREGS, and allows you to view requirements that are met or not met broken down by general, group, or detail requirements. You may drill down through each category (general, detailed, group) to view additional windows of detail information.

The detail requirement may show that the unmet prerequisite can be met by taking a course or courses concurrently for the registration that was attempted. If a concurrent requirement is available, then the student can be registered for the additional course, and the area prerequisite will be fulfilled. You can use this page to determine what the student should take now, to fulfill the prerequisite for a future registration, and therefore plan more effectively for future registrations.

Note: This page is only accessible from SFAREGS when the area prerequisite has not been met. You cannot access this page directly from any menu.