Athletic Compliance Insert or Update Values Information

Use this section of the window to insert a new compliance record or update existing compliance values for athletic compliance records based on the search criteria entered in the Search window. You must enter an athletic compliance term in the search criteria to continue with an insert or update function, and then go on to process the results.

Inserts and updates are performed as follows:
  • The athletic compliance term in the insert or update criteria reflects the value for the athletic compliance term in the search criteria and cannot be modified.
  • The value in the Sport field is defaulted from the search criteria for the selected term. This value cannot be changed. The Athletic Compliance Term value is also defaulted from the search criteria.
  • When the Sport field in the search criteria is null, the Sport field in the update criteria will also be null. In this circumstance, all sports in the search criteria athletic compliance term will be updated. It is suggested that a search criteria sport be provided so that specific sport updates take place.
  • When the Sport field in the search criteria is null, the Insert New Sport value will only be inserted one time. Duplicate sport records cannot exist for a term.
  • The insert process does not insert competition data. Current competition data must be copied to a future term.
  • The insert process does not insert the number of seasons of competition used in the term.
  • When Athletic Aid radio group set to No in the search criteria, the Athletic Aid radio group must be set to Yes for the update process.
  • When Athletic Aid radio group set to Yes in the search criteria, the Athletic Aid radio group must be set to No for the update process.
  • When the Season of Competition Used in this Term radio group is set to No in the search criteria, the Season of Competition Used in this Term radio group must set to Yes for the update process.
  • When the Season of Competition Used in this Term radio group is set to Yes in the search criteria, the Season of Competition Used in this Term radio group must set to No for the update process.
Fields Descriptions
Athletic Compliance Term Term for the insert or update criteria. This value defaults in from the search criteria. Inserts and updates can only be performed for the term in the search criteria.
Sport Sport code for the insert or update criteria. This value defaults in from the search criteria and is updated for the selected term. It is suggested that a sport exists in the search criteria that will be used for the insert or update process.

When the Sport field in the search criteria is null, the Sport field in the insert or update criteria will also be null. In this circumstance, the insert or update process will update all sports for the search criteria term.

Insert New Sport Additional, unique sport code for the insert or update criteria. Only student activity codes with an activity type of SPRTS on STVACTC can be used.

You can only add a sport for an athlete with an existing sport record (the value in the Sport field). The new sport must be different from the one in the Sport field. The new sport can be assigned status, athletic eligibility, academic eligibility, attributes, and athletic aid information.

When this field is null, an update is performed. When this field has a value, an insert is performed, and the new sport is inserted for the athletes selected in this term. A sport record will not be inserted in a future term if it already exists in that future term.

List Sports Activity Code Validation (STVACTC)

Status Status code for the insert or update criteria.

List Sports Status Validation (STVSPST)

Eligible Eligibility code for the insert or update criteria.

List Eligibility Validation (STVELIG)

Academic Eligibility Academic eligibility code for the insert or update criteria.

List Athletic Academic Eligibility Validation (STVSAEL)

Athletic Attribute Athletic attribute code for the insert or update criteria.

List Athletic Attribute Type Validation (STVSAAT)

Athletic Aid Radio group used to designate existing athletic aid.

Choices are: No, Yes, Default.

Season of Competition Used in this Term Radio group used to designate that a season of competition is used in the term.

Choices are: No, Yes, Default.