Search Criteria Information

Use this section to enter the search criteria for mass entry athletic compliance processing. Use the search criteria and the population selection criteria to perform the search. If any search criteria are entered in this section, you must include an athletic compliance term in the search criteria. You must also enter an athletic compliance term in the search criteria to use the copy, insert, or update processes. You can leave the athletic compliance term in the search criteria null when SGAMSPT is used in search mode.

The search criteria sport is not required.

It is suggested that a search sport be used for the copy, insert, and update processes. Only the current competition record is considered, regardless of the setting of the Season of Competition Used in this Term radio group (Yes or No) in the search criteria.

Fields Descriptions
Athletic Compliance Term Term for the search criteria.

This is required when any other search criteria is entered, including population selection, to perform the copy, insert, or update. This field can be null for searching or when you are navigating directly to the Results window and are not using the copy, insert, or update functions.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Sport Sport code for the search criteria. Only student activity codes with an activity type of SPRTS on STVACTC can be used. When no sport code is entered, all sport codes will be selected.

A sport record must exist for the athlete on SGASPRT to perform mass processing.

List Sports Activity Code Validation (STVACTC)

Status Status code for the search criteria.

List Sports Status Validation (STVSPST)

Eligible Eligibility code for the search criteria.

List Eligibility Validation (STVELIG)

Academic Eligibility Academic eligibility code for the search criteria.

List Athletic Academic Eligibility Validation (STVSAEL)

Athletic Attribute Athletic attribute code for the search criteria.

List Athletic Attribute Type Validation (STVSAAT)

Athletic Aid Radio group used to designate existing athletic aid.

Choices are: No, Yes, No Selection.

Season of Competition Used in this Term Radio group used to designate that the athlete has completed a season of competition in the sport for the term. Only current competition is considered.

Choices are: No, Yes, No Selection.