Compliance Agency Transfer Information section

Use this section to enter and update transfer information for the compliance agency for the athlete. A sport record must exist for the athlete before data can be entered, but transfer summary data does not have to exist in this window to enter information in this section.

Fields Descriptions
Quality Points Athlete transfer quality points.
Transfer GPA Athlete transfer GPA. This GPA is based on whether the athlete is transferring from a two year institution or a four year institution.
Full-Time Terms Attended Athlete transfer full-time terms attended.
Attempted Hours Number of transfer hours attempted by the athlete.
Hours Total number of transfer hours for the athlete.
Transfer Status Transfer status code for the athlete.

List Athletic Transfer Status Validation (STVSATR)

Acceptance Date Date the transfer was accepted at the institution.
Meets Transfer Requirements Check box used to indicate whether the athlete meets the transfer requirements.
Residency Required Check box used to indicate whether residency is required for the athlete based on academic residency requirements for transfer athletes.
Residency Exception Residency exception code for the athlete.

Exceptions may exist so that transfer students are immediately eligible and do not need to fulfill the academic residency requirement.

List Athletic Residency Exception Validation (STVSARX)

Met Academic Credit Year Check box used to indicate whether the athlete has met the academic credit year requirements.
User ID ID of the user who last updated the record. Display only.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.