General Comments section

Use this section to enter and maintain general comments for the athlete. An athlete can have multiple general comment records. If you want to enter comments associated with the term and sport, use the Athletic Comments section.

Comments are free page. You must enter a comment type, an originator, and a comment to save the comment. When a comment has been entered and saved, you can only update the text. You cannot change the comment type or the originator. You can create multiple comments with the same comment type and originator.

Fields Descriptions
Comment Type Comment type code for the general comment.

List Comment Type Validation (STVCMTT)

Originator Originator code for the source of the comment or the institutional office that produced the comment.

List Originator Validation (STVORIG)

Comment Free-form field used to enter and maintain athletic comments. This field is 4,000 characters long and has autowrap capability.

If you select the Comments edit button, the Editor window is displayed. In this window, you can insert and update comments and search and replace on the text within the comment.