Study Path Student Information section

Use this section to enter education information for the student.

Field Description
Residence Student’s residence code.

List Residence Code Validation (STVRESD)

section Student’s section schedule code. When a registration record exists for the student, this value cannot be changed.

List section Code Validation (STVBLCK)

Full Part Time Radio group used to indicate the student’s status as full-time, part-time or none. Valid values are: Full, Part, None. The default is None.
Session Student’s session code.

List Session Validation (STVSESS)

Basic Skills Student’s basic skills code.

List Basic Skills Validation (STVBSKL)

Practical Training Student’s practical training code.

List Practical Training Validation (STVPRAC)

Orientation Student’s orientation session code.

List Orientation Session Validation (STVORSN)

Career Planning Student’s career planning code.

List Career Planning Validation (STVCAPL)

Education Level Student’s education level code.

List Education Level Validation (STVEDLV)

Expected Education Student’s expected education code.

List Employment Expectation Validation (STVEMEX)

Transfer Credit Student’s transfer credit indicator code.

List Transfer Center Code Validation (STVTRCN)

Vocational Training Student’s vocational education status training code.

List Vocational Education Status Code Validation (STVVOED)

Education Goal Student’s education goal code.

List Education Goal Validation (STVEGOL)

Apprentice Student’s apprenticeship code.

List Apprenticeship Code Validation (STVAPRN)

Employee and Training Student’s gain status code.

List Gain Status Code Validation (STVGAIN)

Income Student’s income range code.

List Income Range Validation (STVINCM)