Address Information window

Use this window to view diploma address information for the person in the Key block, when the Address Exists box in the main window is checked. If the box is unchecked, diploma address information has not been created for that person. You can still access the window to add address information. An existing address type can be used to create a diploma address with data from SOADDRQ, or the address can be entered here without an address type.

To access this window, click on the Maintenance button to the right of the Address Exists indicator, or select Address Information from the Options Menu. Use the Return button to go back to the main window. You cannot access this window by tabbing through the fields in the main window.

When a valid ZIP or postal code is selected from the ZIP/Postal Code Validation (GTVZIPC) page and entered in the ZIP or Postal Code field, the combination of City, State/Province, and Nation information which exists in GTVZIPC will default into the appropriate fields. The related information does not default in when the ZIP/Postal Code is entered manually.

Fields Descriptions
Address Type Enter the address type in the Address Type field to display the address information in this window.