Key block

The Key block is used to specify the search criteria for selecting electronic transcripts to review and optionally process. If the Key block is left blank, all records are queried. The Status field may be used to specify a specific status, or may be left blank to specify all statuses. The Pending or Complete indicator is required and defaults to Pending.

Fields Descriptions
Status Used to specify the routing status code for searching on and selecting electronic transcripts to review and optionally process.

Status is an optional field, and if left blank, will specify that all transcript routing status records should be selected, in conjunction with the value specified in the Pending or Complete indicator.

List Electronic Document Status Code Validation (STVDSTS)

Pending or Complete Radio group used to specify whether to search for Pending or Complete statuses.

Values are: Pending (saved to the database as P), Complete (saved to the database as C), All (saved to the database as A). The default is Pending.

ID Student ID for whom you want to view transcript activity.

List Person Search (SOAIDEN) page

Name (untitled) Student name.

Use the extended search to search on person or non-person detail and specific search options such as city, state or province, ZIP or postal code, name type, SSN/SIN/TIN, birth date, or gender.

Tab ID and Name Extended Search window

From Date Transcript received from date.
To Date Transcript received to date.
Institution Transfer institution code.

List Source Background Institution (STVSBGI)